Why The Future of Innovation Is Simulation
Read the article by Satell (2013) entitled “Why The Future of Innovation Is Simulation.” Based on this article and additional reading and knowledge, answer the following questions:
• Under what conditions would you choose to use a simulation model?
• What is the simulation process?
• Explain the pros and cons of using simulation modeling
Why The Future of Innovation Is Simulation

Why The Future of Innovation Is Simulation

Read the article by Satell (2013) entitled “Why The Future of Innovation Is Simulation.” Based on this article and additional reading and knowledge, answer the following questions:
• Under what conditions would you choose to use a simulation model?
• What is the simulation process?
• Explain the pros and cons of using simulation modeling
Why The Future of Innovation Is Simulation

Read the article by Satell (2013) entitled “Why The Future of Innovation Is Simulation.” Based on this article and additional reading and knowledge, answer the following questions:
• Under what conditions would you choose to use a simulation model?
• What is the simulation process?
• Explain the pros and cons of using simulation modeling